Based on the legendary DC Comics character, the film ‘BATMAN’ was released in 1989, directed by Tim Burton and starred Michael Keaton as Batman and Jack Nicholson as The Joker.The film is the first installment of Warner Brothers’ Batman Series and tells the story of BRUCE WAYNE coping with the rise of a powerful villain known as ‘The Joker’. In order to defeat this strange enemy, Batman needs a potent vehicle: the BATMOBILE. The car has been completely reinvented, reflecting the environment of Burton’s Art Deco GOTHAM CITY: it is huge, long, low and sleek, combining design elements from 1930s coupes like Bugattis as well as modern racing cars. It features a repeating bat motif evident in the distinctive wing-shaped tail fins. It is technologically equipped with the most advanced automotive customization. It features a Jet Turbine engine and 530 km/h top speed (with booster). It cost a few million dollars to develop and was built on a Chevy Impala chassis. A really thrilling model for all Batman’s fans!

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